Comments by BuleriaChk

Sheesh. Whenever you strike a G# note in the "E Phyrgian Mode" scale (or "Flamenco Basic", the chord voiced should be an inversion of E MAJOR or Bdim (e.g., G#,D,F,), since adding an E would give E7-9, very commonly used in Flamenco w.r.t. E "Phrygian".
Whenever you strike a G# note in "E Phrygian Mode" - call it something else - "Flamenco is also taken, but that scale also sharps D, so you can't play Dm) maybe call it "Flamenco Basic"
So whenever you hit a g# not in E Phrygian mode, you should also be mapped to an E Major Chord (or a Bdim)
Please let me know if you implement this..
PS - I stress - the Em chord is NEVER used for Flamenco in E Phrygian, ONLY E Major for the resolution F->E and as the dominant 7 to Am: E7->Am

This allows one to switch between major and harmonic minor without sacrificing the flavor of each in the same key.

(Transposed to all other keys, of course)
This is certainly on the right track. One issue I come up against over and over: I am a Flamenco musician, which means that the Phrygian Mode "Final" (e.g., the E chord in the key of E Phrygian relative to A Harmonic Minor, and C Major) uses an E Major as its most important chord (not an E Minor This would also be true of the Bdim B,D,F, since adding an E and G# makes it a substitute).

So when ever an E or a Bdim chord is voiced (in whatever inversion), the scale should change the G to a G# temporarily; otherwise a natural G so it can be used with C and G chords in the scale.

So then could play the Andalusian Cadence: Am -> G -> F -> E(major), which could then act as a dominant to the next progression E -> Am.

Thanks in advance; and yes, it should be a VST.
I tried this with the A Major chord on the guitar:
A,E,A,C#,E and it omitted the second A (an octave up from the root.

This would be better if we could configure the chord any way we want by intervals (like the Chord Midi Effect in Live) starting from the lowest note, and leaving naming the note up to the user. I'm thinking of guitar here, with the possibility of muting strings (so in the above scenario, the low E would be muted).