Comments by BigFknRobots

Thank you!
Will share if I get anywhere
Ok.. Super keen to receive patch dumps from my synth and have the GUI update.

I like noodling around playing with patches on the synth, but with no screen, I don't always know where to save my creation

Plus, If I use it in a track, I want to have it saved ^inside^ the ableton project (like with softsynths I guess :P)

Your version looks easier to follow and better documented than some of the other ones I've seen

I've found this excellent breakdown of sysex

And I'm examining
for seeing how they make sense of the patch information

Hopefully these things, combined with your device.... I can crack this code
Shame the link is dead, anyone have it?
I don't have a Kyra, but am looking at other m4L plugins that pull patches via sysex and update the device knobs etc so I can build one for my AFX station.

Really loving how well documented and laid out this is!

The older m4l devices that do this kind of thing, were before ableton could pass on sysex - they use a helper max patch in the background - it's much more complex to make sense of for me.

I'm learning a lot from this!

I busted my Micro-X out again 6 months ago and noticed that the VST didn't work. Thanks for building this!
just bought an AFX station and about to try this out!

Any chance of updating this to add the AFX features?
This is sick! thank you,
Much of it seems to be working with my Virus TI Desktop

I do have an issue with some notes cutting out when I trigger them quickly, it feels like it's an issue with midi notes doubling up (which you allude to a similar issue in your device description)