Comments by BgBtz

@ManuelC74 Just saw an update, now everything's working fine, thank you for great devices!
@ManuelC74 Hello, thanks for reply! Yes, sure, this is exactly how i did the export, I tested it on a bunch of machines - mac m1, mac intel, win 10&11, everywhere exporting doesn't work correctly. The things i found out - stock lfo device works just fine, sound movement is rendered in my exported return channels, with lfo panner it is not - the position of sound in exported files is the position where i paused the playhead when playing project. Somehow lfo panner movement doesn't restart when rendering.
@gastibarroule Yes, panner LFO doesn't work when exporting files for me either, the only way to record lfo right now is to record realtime inside the project, which is very unfortunate(