Comments by 12RT2

You're right. Thanks for noting. But it's a trade-off between flexibility and better user experience . Here, it's designed for the latter, especially when on stage, when you need the feedback, and probably won't make any undo's. Until Live will offer a remote~ control of things other than device parameters, this is the best i can give...
Hi sawtooth!

I'll be happy to make it happen, but it seems the function for this in the max4live api (the platform which gives the control over live's parameters) has a bug, when using beat units smaller than 1/4.

Furthermore, this is actually quite risky for the ordinary user, as it creates lots and lots of clips (8 clips per bar at 1/8, 16 clips at 1/16), and without noticing you can overload your project. I can solve it by creating a box to specify a limit of clips to be created, but as I said, this feature will not function well for now.
Meanwhile, you can stretch the clip to twice the length before slicing, using the [repitch] algorithm, and then shrink it back. This way you can get 1/8 pieces. If you stretch it 4 times the length you get 1/16.

I'm glad you're enjoying the patch.
Hi RVirmoors, feel free to share it wherever you like, and attach a link here too!
I sent you the device in the Ableton forum's PM.
I can send you the modified patch if you want, so you could post it here. I also extended the values range to include all the quantization values. No additional credits are needed :)
In this case, you need to get the value actually AFTER the change, so you'll need to put the bang second in order.
It still not showing the change on the LCD. The object in the main patcher need to be changed to "get 1". The observation cannot trigger the change. Just remember, when changing to a "get" command, you need to give the the id for every action. So let the p selector send a bang to the id message before it sends its value.
nice patching! Thx
Hektagon I'm glad it works. Thank you and have fun!
Thanks, oscillator!
Thanks, oscillator!
I checked it and all fine here. But I did made some changes to try to eliminate the chances for this to occur. Can U check?
Strange, seems like a bug. let me check for myself.