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zb.brownNote 1.0 by ZlatkoBaracskai
536 downloads, 1 Comments sequencer, effect, other
zb.brownNote device picks the next note based on a randomly chosen step constrained by the maximum step size parameter called step. The chosen step is taken from the previously selected pitch such tha... (more info)

zb.velocityPattern 1.0 by ZlatkoBaracskai
461 downloads, 1 Comments sequencer, effect
zb.velocityPattern is very similar to the zb.pitchPattern device except that it alters the velocity of the incoming notes according to the specified pattern. The size parameter controls the number of ... (more info)

zb.pitchPattern 1.0 by ZlatkoBaracskai
532 downloads, 2 Comments sequencer, effect
zb.pitchPattern changes the pitch of the incoming notes according to the graph. The vertical axis of the graph represents pitch. The steps of the graph determine the amount of available pitches. The... (more info)

zb.metricPattern 1.0 by ZlatkoBaracskai
552 downloads, 1 Comments sequencer
zb.metricPattern is a device that can generate rhythmical patterns in arbitrary divisions of the bar. The bars of the graph represent the rests in the pattern, zero i.e. the bottom of the graph speci... (more info)

zb.noteSpectrum 1.0 by ZlatkoBaracskai
432 downloads, 1 Comments effect, utility
zb.noteSpectrum deterministically assigns a velocity to each different MIDI pitch based on the breakpoint function view. This essentially alters the spectral balance of the MIDI material based on the ... (more info)

zb.noteTransfer 1.0 by ZlatkoBaracskai
424 downloads, 1 Comments effect, utility
zb.noteTransfer is a simple graphical tool that allows for pitch modification based on a transfer function. Horizontal and vertical sliders display the incoming and the outgoing pitches respectively, ... (more info)

zb.circleWalk 1.0 by ZlatkoBaracskai
526 downloads, 1 Comments effect, utility
zb.circleWalk is a random walk machine that threads the circle of fifths by default. It allows to specify different probabilities for choosing different steps. This is achieved by the left graph of w... (more info)

zb.noteMirror 1.0 by ZlatkoBaracskai
472 downloads, 1 Comments effect, utility
zb.noteMirror changes the pitch of the notes if they fall behind the two boundaries controlled by the white sliders. Incoming notes will be reflected back into the specified range linearly if the refr... (more info)

zb.noteTriangle 1.0 by ZlatkoBaracskai
371 downloads, 1 Comments effect, utility
zb.noteTriangle implements triangle mapping to alter the pitch of the incoming notes. It is a combination of two linear mappings. The range from zero to inCentre is linearly mapped and truncated to t... (more info)

zb.metricPass 1.0 by ZlatkoBaracskai
512 downloads, 1 Comments sequencer, effect, utility
zb.metricPass device stops notes based on their position within the bar. Different beats or 16ths can have different pass probabilities as specified using the sliders in the graphs. Each slider repre... (more info)

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