Device Details
Name | Version: | Octoseq. Modulator 1.1 |
Author: | veedjee |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | Octoseq. Modulator is a simple but useful device who consist of 8 independent step sequencers to control any parameter you want in Live. For each seq you can set: - steps up to 64 - pulse, quantified or not - 5 direction modes - loop up to 64 steps - maximum and minimum values reached by the modulator - smooth between step values - move, random and scramble values possibility - presets section with morphing - sync seq. with Live's transport v1.01 - Presets saved before closing the set are now correctly recalled v1.02 - Add sync and re-trigger toggle for each seq. - Seq display buttons to change the view are now midi mappable. ;;; Update 20/1/12 v1.1 - New loop ruler for each seq. - New "sort", "reverse" and "init" buttons. - Parameter's name fits now correctly in the device. - Arrow buttons are now MIDI mappable - On/Off toggle now enable/disable remote target. - On/Off toggle now rettrig the seq when "R" is on. - Change layout. Important: To save all device settings with your Live set, you must save them by shift-clicking on a circle in the preset's grid BEFORE you close the set !! Know issue: At the opening of a set, the last saved preset does not boot automatically and you will have to recall it by clicking on his circles in the preset's grid. However, you can automate this step by programming presets with Live's envelope automation. hope you'll like it !! Check my other devices here: |
Live Version Used: | 8.2.7 |
Max Version Used: | 5.1.9 |
Date Added: | Dec 03 2011 05:23:47 |
Date Last Updated: | Jan 20 2012 06:05:00 |
Downloads: | 14579 |
ⓘ License: | Attribution |
Average Rating
(3) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | Octoseq. Modulator_v1.1.amxd |
Update is coming very soon... ;)
Posted on January 19 2012 by veedjee |
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Thanks for this great device!!!
Really usefull and well done...
I would like to take midi or OSC control over the sliders of the multislider could you tell me where I could do it in the patch...
I could do it with independant Multislider but I would like to have control only on the one wich is used to control the 8 others....
If you could lead me in the good direction?
Thanks for this great device!!!
Really usefull and well done...
I would like to take midi or OSC control over the sliders of the multislider could you tell me where I could do it in the patch...
I could do it with independant Multislider but I would like to have control only on the one wich is used to control the 8 others....
If you could lead me in the good direction?
Posted on March 22 2012 by AcousmatiK |
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Hi AcousmatiK, thank you for your comment ;) I do not understand what you mean, please contact me -> veedjee at gmail dot com.
Posted on March 22 2012 by veedjee |
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Very cool, I'm using this one!
Thanks for this device :)
Thanks for this device :)
Posted on May 30 2013 by davidb63 |
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I use this all the time, great device. Much thanks!
Posted on September 30 2014 by JoeLindsey |
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Thanks for comments !! ;-)
Posted on October 04 2014 by veedjee |
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The "Restart on Next step" buttons need their Parameter Visibility changed, they fill up the Undo buffer?
Posted on April 16 2020 by Razzkazz |
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Hey. This is a great device. Only issue is i can't see how to remove mapping for a parameter. Was expecting to see an 'x' next to the map button or something. Am I missing something?
Posted on February 03 2023 by MaxPower69 |
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Hi, is it possible to use this as midi device?
Posted on March 20 2024 by mihaipol |
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Hey just posting that I'm getting a lot of timing drift on this device where my synchronization falls apart pretty quickly. I checked with another param sequencer to make sure and things work as expected. I have a pretty easy test can hopefully help :)
Play kick drum on quarter notes
Add a beat repeater, set chance to 0%, audio to 'ins'
Map OctoSeq lane to 'Repeat' button
Set Octo division to 1/4
Set all steps to 0 except the first which should be 127
Remove smoothing
For less specific things device works fine, just something to be aware of if you're trying to do something like I have here that needs to lock in
Play kick drum on quarter notes
Add a beat repeater, set chance to 0%, audio to 'ins'
Map OctoSeq lane to 'Repeat' button
Set Octo division to 1/4
Set all steps to 0 except the first which should be 127
Remove smoothing
For less specific things device works fine, just something to be aware of if you're trying to do something like I have here that needs to lock in
Posted on September 18 2024 by lulu |
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Please can you help fixing this?