Device Details


Name | Version: WiFi-MIDI Sniffer 1.0
Author: lozcliffe
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: A M4L device which sonifies scanned WiFi RSSI values. The RSSI values of the scanned and collected wifi networks are mapped to MIDI note values and played through a basic sequencer with various controls. Tempo can be controlled through the main transport and the MIDI note values fluctuate as new RSSI values for the scanned wi-fi networks are returned by the system query. The device uses the Max shell external to execute the shell airport scan command in macOS only. The device enables the generation of evolving musical output from ambient wifi data.

Video demo here:

Instructions (this is currently for MacOS only I'm afraid):

1. Add the device to a MIDI track
2. Press 'Start Sniffing'
3. Wait for any found networks to start showing up - this can take a minute or so (wifi will need to be turned on)
4. Press play in Ableton's main transport
5. Send the MIDI output from the track with WiFi-MIDI Sniffer on to another track with a MIDI instrument, or do something else with it...

Please feedback via comments below.


Live Version Used: 11.3.11
Max Version Used: 8.5.4
Date Added: Sep 25 2023 13:48:32
Date Last Updated: Sep 26 2023 08:23:31
Downloads: 159
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: wifi-midi-sniffer.amxd


I hit sniff, waited, turn sniff off and nothing. This looks interesting but I can't grasp the approach from the description above.
Youtube video?
Thanks for the feedback - sorry you couldn't get it working.

I've updated the instructions and added a link to a quick demo video:
Seems it can't see my wifi. Phones, tablet, computer clearly does. Can't imagine anything is set in the IT room to block this. Rather elaborate business wifi connect in the building.
Hmmm. Wondering if you need to make a symbolic link to the airport command in your terminal?

sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/airport
Don't worry, scrap that last comment - I'm querying the full path in the device so that can't be the issue...
Yea, My bro who owns the studio/apt complex here won't be into me modifying the IT config. We have a dedicated IT guy that handles it all.
Is it possible that my being on an 8 yr old Imac is the issue?
Maybe. What OS version are you running?
Should work on Catalina.
Maybe try running an airport scan directly from your terminal:

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