Device Details


Name | Version: Compander A 1.8
Author: aprilgiom
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Compander A is the first device in a pair of two compander devices. Compander A compresses or expands the sound, and Compander B inverts that effect to restore the original signal. In between the two you can put a non-linear effect(s) like a distortion. The Companders allow you to shape how that effect behaves by shaping the input dynamics, which recreating the original dynamics on the other end. For example, you can heavily distort a drum bus and then restore the transients afterward.

To pair the two devices, click the "Pair" button on Compander A, then click the knob on Compander B. Many pairs of Compander devices can coexist in a Live set. It is also important that you compensate for the latency of all FX placed between the two devices. Select the FX between Compander A and B to find how much latency they are introducing. Type this amount (in samples) into the Latency Compensation box on Compander B.

A word on how this works:
I haven't seen any other devices like this in Max for Live. I think that's because passing audio rate information between devices is not straightforwardly possible. I worked around this by sending that information through Live's modulation system. This is not perfectly precise, and sometimes it introduces artifacts. For the cleanest results, use RMS mode and/or longer attack and release times, and be sure to compensate for latency correctly. You can absolutely push these settings harder, but you might run into some nasty crunching! Either way, I think the imprecision is worth it to have a totally flexible and open-ended compander which you can put on either side of any FX you want!


Live Version Used: 11.1.1
Max Version Used: 8.2.1
Date Added: Sep 22 2023 00:03:13
Date Last Updated: Sep 22 2023 19:44:36
Downloads: 1198
License: None
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Device File: Compander A v1.8.amxd


very cool idea and fun tool!

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