Device Details


Name | Version: stereo bit-crush delay 1.0
Author: axersfall
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: This is my first max for live audio device,could you test that for me?THANKS!!!
It is free to download!only you need to do is click that link below!(you can also donate me if you like that LOL)
you can also go to my profile page to check out my youtube
channel !!! I do a lot of Max/MSP sound design tutorials on my youtube channel ! you can learn a lot from my videos !!!


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Jul 25 2023 23:27:07
Date Last Updated: Jul 25 2023 23:28:57
Downloads: 0
License: None
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There is no .amxd in the zip file. It's maxpat
sorry,I'm still you know how to make that work in ableton?
I think I fix that problem...really sorry for that.
Works now. You're likely going to want a Dry/Wet parameter in it.
okay ! any other suggestions?I'll fix it together.I just keep forgot some important things...

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