Device Details


Name | Version: MultiBalance knob to control pan of many tracks
Author: Zidlont
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: 1. This device allows you to adjust the panning more precisely, because it has a value from -100 to +100.
2. Using this device you can automate any parameter on any track, while the device itself is on 1 of your favorite track.
3. Supports both MIDI and Audio tracks

If your ears hear differently for some reason, then this device is for you.
You can conveniently change the channel balance on several tracks at once.

How I use it (bc my constant problem is one ear hears quieter):
I put this device in the "References" group (just for convinience) - for me it controls the balance of this group (which is ext.out) and balance of Master channel.
If the balance of my ears changes a little, then I can instantly change the pan balance on all needed tracks using this device.
Personally, I use Utility on Master instead of panning the entire Master channel.


Live Version Used: 11.2.6
Max Version Used: 8.3.1
Date Added: Jul 23 2023 23:00:43
Date Last Updated: Jul 24 2023 00:31:35
Downloads: 252
License: None
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Device File: MultiBalance.amxd

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