Device Details


Name | Version: Sequential Midi Event Generator 1.5
Author: MatthewJames
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Sequential Midi Event Generator is a monophonic step sequencer which can follow Ableton Grooves.

Other features include separate and independent 64 step sequencers for pitch, octave, velocity, gate and note length. As well as 2 MIDI CC sequencers.
Each of these sequencers has it's own length, direction, clock division, reset, alter-pattern (re-orders the current information) and randomization controls.

Global Controls include transpose, note-length, lock to (user definable) scale and auto sync (resets all sequencers to the start after the desired number of steps).


You MUST insert a short looped MIDI clip in the same channel, with a note on every 1/16th step. When played, this MIDI clip clocks/triggers the SequentialMidiEventGenerator.

This method is used so that an Ableton Groove can be applied to this MIDI clip, thus applying the groove/swing/shuffle to the sequencers in this device.

For triplets, add a note on every 1/16T which doesn't start at the same time as any of the 1/16 notes, to the MIDI clip (see screenshot). The sequencers now step forward on every 1/16th and every 1/16T. Using the Clock Division options, you can now slow down any of the sequencers to 1/16th (i22) or 1/16T (i34). TIP: when the pitch and octave sequencers are running at a different speed/division to the gate sequencer, try turning on the alternate gating method (in the misc menu).

Any timescale can be used if the global Ableton Live timescale and the MIDI control clip are set up accordingly.

By default, all sequencers reset to the first step at timepoint 0 in Ableton Live. Alternatively or additionally, you can reset sequencers using user definable MIDI notes in the MIDI clip (see the MIDI menu).

All parameters are described in the Ableton Live Info View, when you hold the mouse pointer over them.

New in Version 1.1:

Added Chance sequencer, which can control the probability of each active gate step.

Added 2 Rotating Clock Divider modes to the Div menus, r8 and r4.

Added option to obtain Velocity from MIDI input. Some grooves contain velocity information, which can now be passed to this device.

Added range control for the length sequencer, allowing for more precise control of shorter note lengths.

Added glide option to smooth the output from the MIDI CC sequencers.

Added bank of 14 preset patterns for each MIDI CC sequencer.

Added Transport Sync option, which is essentially a global loop length which follows the Ableton Live timeline and resets all sequencers every 1 - 32 bars. This re- syncs to the timeline every n bars, which allows for 'jumping around' the timeline and provides better compatibility in the Arrangement View.

Added Euclid mode to the gate population section. This uses Bjorklund's extension of Euclid's algorithm to distribute the gates evenly.

Added pattern generator for the Pitch sequencer.

Pitch sequencer editor can now show 1 or 2 octaves and additionally be constrained to only show the current scale.

Updated UI.

New in Version 1.2:

Added Arp Mode, which changes the octave sequencer into an additional pitch sequencer. For basic use, slow down the pitch sequencer with the Div setting (8 or 16 is a good place to start.) Now draw in an arpeggiation into the octave/Arp sequencer. This function is nice for complex arpeggiations which will follow any groove within any desired scale.

Added an 8 slot preset system for the pitch and octave/arp sequencers, with copy and paste functionality.

Added output range control for both MIDI CC sequencers.

Added some more default scales. Obviously you can still define any scale yourself.

Fixed a bug which needlessly added to the Ableton Live undo history whenever the transport state changed.

New in Version 1.3:

Fixed a bug in the chance sequencer UI.

New in Version 1.5:

Added 2 new timing options to each sequencer in the DIV dropdowns, G & GC.
G steps the sequencer forward only when there is an active gate step.
GC is the same as G , but it takes into account the chance value of each gate step (if the chance sequencer is active)

Built in Live 8. Tested in Live 8, 9 and 11.
Quicktime may be required for some functionality on older live versions.


Live Version Used: 8.2.2
Max Version Used: 5.1.8
Date Added: Oct 21 2011 08:33:57
Date Last Updated: Apr 14 2023 17:14:43
Downloads: 3968
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: Sequential_Midi_Event_Generator.amxd


amZING seq genny...thanks for your work/
wow! Awesome!

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