Device Details


Name | Version: Shaper MIDI Note On only 1.0
Author: sthulin
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Shaper MIDI comes with Ableton Suite; I noticed it triggers on Note On and Note Off. I made a small modification so that it only triggers on Note On.


Live Version Used: 11.2.7
Max Version Used: 8.3.1
Date Added: Jan 21 2023 16:13:11
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 663
License: None
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Device File: Shaper MIDI NoteOn.amxd



It seems like mapping button is missing?

Thank you for this ! The Note-Off trigger on the original device is very problematic

But the Mapping List button for mapping multiple destinations doesn't work, could your update a fix ?
@kosmik and @Spin - apologies, but the Mapping works as usual on my system so I'm not sure what the problem would be. the change I made to the original patch had nothing to do with mapping so I don't know why it would be affected...
Hey @sthulin,

Thanks for your concern!
I deleted the device and reinstalled it, tried rebooting Live, sometimes the device will load with all the mapping section gone, sometimes the Notes and/or Hertz logos disappear from the toggle buttons, sometimes all of those will be missing.
It seems to depend on the presence of other M4L devices in the devices chain. If I load the classic Shaper, your version works fine when loaded next. If I have no devices in the set, it launches with all the mentionned missing elements. If I load a M4L device without the Hz/Notes toggle buttons, those will not be on the next instance of your device.

I have zero qualification to guess where the issue could be, here are some screenshots from Live 11.2.10 on MacOS Ventura 13.2.1 :
* I was unclear with "If I have no devices in the set, it launches with all the mentionned missing elements."

If I have zero devices in the set, Shaper MIDI Note On only 1.0 launches with all the mentionned elements gone
@Spin - Hmmmm... that's strange. Unfortunately, I don't think I know enough about M4L to understand why that weird behaviour would be happening. But one thing you could try would be building the device on your own system. By that I mean, taking the Shaper MIDI that came with your Live install and making the small mod do it yourself. Maybe that would make it play nice with your system... In the Max patch all that I did was add a Select object that stops it from banging/triggering on Note Off. (that's also why I don't understand how these other aspects of the patch would be affected). Here's a screenshot so you can see exactly what I did:

I hope that helps! Sorry I don't have a readymade solution.
Thank you! The mapping button also disappeared for me, but when I made the mod myself it worked!

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