Device Details


Name | Version: Panner 2.0
Author: OspreyInstruments
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: This is inspired by the GoodHertz PanPot. It is a more flexible panner that provides 4 panning methods: Level panning (actually balance), Delay panning, Spectral panning (tilt EQ), and Phase rotation.

Sorry the Delay mode is a little crackly when adjusting during playback, so you might want to avoid it for quick automations.


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Oct 01 2022 22:23:13
Date Last Updated: Oct 02 2022 19:17:00
Downloads: 578
License: None
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Device File: Panner.amxd


Panner was updated to include a Phase mode, just like the original. This is a phase rotation with a center frequency of 114.5Hz, and depending on the pan, the left/right channel will sweep a frequency range of 55-177Hz (phase, not magnitude), as measured by PluginDoctor on the original. The Q also changes slightly, but unlike the original, the Phase level knob controls the mix with the dry signal as well as the amount of phase divergence, so that at a Phase level of 0, there is not a static phase shift at 114.5Hz.

Unfortunately, to keep the math simple, I used linear scaling, but given the quite limited frequency range, this shouldn't affect the parameter scaling too much, and is still perfectly functional.
very useful. thank you!
looks like url is no good as of right now

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