Device Details


Name | Version: MIDIprobNV 0.02
Author: synthesizerwriter
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This device controls the probability of a note passing through, plus adds Randomness and an Offset to the MIDI Velocity. I use it to 'thin' tracks but with a bit of unpredictability, when arranging.

This is part of the 'Prob' series of devices that do things with probability. This is the first non-drum, 'affects everything' device - previous ones have affected only individual notes (brill for drums!).

I find that having history graphs of velocity is good when controlling the dynamics and timbre of a track, and the 'Range' block makes it much easier to visualise the changes to the velocity values.


Live Version Used: 10.1.7
Max Version Used: 8.1.1
Date Added: May 03 2020 12:06:23
Date Last Updated: May 03 2020 12:24:08
Downloads: 459
License: None
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Device File: MIDIprobNVmr_0v02.amxd


Another useful probability device.

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