Device Details


Name | Version: GFLSetPauseContinue 1.0
Author: gfl
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Pause and continue a whole set. You can use midi or keys to control it.
Recordings will stop too!!!!!


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.5
Date Added: Mar 15 2020 15:02:38
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 264
License: None
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Device File: GFLSetPauseContinue.amxd


thanks, this could be VERY useful if it didn't fill up the undo buffer, like all the similar PAUSE devices that appear through the years
Also one button for both actions would make more sense
Unfortunately, the undo function is connected to the remote control via Midi or key in Max4Live. I haven't found anything yet to get around that. I'm just thinking about a workaroud that's going to be pretty ugly. If someone has an idea to solve the problem please tell me about it.
Because of the possibility of remote control, there are also two buttons.
is it possible for a M4L device to output keyboard commands ? all it needs to do is output shift+spacebar . . which pauses and unpauses

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