Device Details


Name | Version: MIDIprobPLUSD4 0.03
Author: synthesizerwriter
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: MIDIprob+D4 adds 4 LFOs so that each channel's probability can be modulated over time. The probability of a drum sound can now vary from moment to moment. doesn't allow the use of a '+' in the name of a device, so MIDIprobPLUSD4 is used on the site...

This is part of a series of M4L devices that play with the probability of drum events. The mechanism I use doesn't seem to always blink the indicators correctly, so you could say that the unpredictability is undisplayable!


Live Version Used: 10.1.5
Max Version Used: 8.1.1
Date Added: Nov 30 2019 22:35:03
Date Last Updated: Nov 30 2019 22:43:58
Downloads: 645
License: None
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Device File: MIDIprob+D4_mr_0v03.amxd


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