Device Details
Name | Version: | Halved Arpeggios 1.2 |
Author: | stefanostev |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Max For Live MIDI 8-step sequencer aimed to light up inspiration. Half of the notes are input by the user, the patch generates the remaining ones. The user can input up to four simultaneous notes, that are spread over the first four steps of the sequence. In order to do so, the notes must be pressed and hold at the same time, like the usual procedure for arpeggiators. Any note added beyond the fourth one will be spread starting over from step 1 to 4 (i.e. notes 5-6 are going to replace notes 1-2). In the current version, generated notes are based on relative one-octave major scale of the correspondent upward input note (note value in step 1 will be the root note of the major scale from which the patch will create the note for step 5, note value in step 2 for step 6, and so on...). The toggles on the sequencer turn on/off the correspondent step. The FREEZE (❄) section controls generated notes. User can de-activate constant refresh of notes generation by turning on the button relative to single steps (hence 'freezing' the current note): by doing so, the note will refresh only when a new one will be input in the other half correspondent step. Switching from ADD to SUB will generate notes in a mirrored major progression toward the lower octave. RUN runs the sequence, RESET resets it to the first step. The sequencer has a tempo division menu. By activating AUTO, divisions will change randomly. SWING controls the sequencer swing, STEPS sets the overall number of steps, DUR controls the duration of notes gate. |
Live Version Used: | 10.0.1 |
Max Version Used: | 8.1 |
Date Added: | Jun 17 2019 11:11:59 |
Date Last Updated: | Apr 14 2021 18:14:10 |
Downloads: | 1497 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike |
Average Rating
(1) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | Halved Arpeggios.amxd |
this is really good!
Posted on July 16 2019 by hatyn |
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Thank you! Appreciated :)
Still some minor bugs to be fixed though, hope I'll be able to update this version soon!
Still some minor bugs to be fixed though, hope I'll be able to update this version soon!
Posted on August 17 2019 by stefanostev |
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Quick update: I fixed the issue that caused the device to overload Live's undo chain. Feel free to download the device again and leave your feedbacks here!
Posted on September 30 2019 by stefanostev |
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this is fun
this is fun
Posted on October 02 2019 by davedominey |
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Cheers, glad to hear that! Looking forward to improve it :)
Posted on November 16 2019 by stefanostev |
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I'm trying to use this but it doesn't product a sound. Is there a manual or instructional video that I can check? Because may have missed something. THankyou
I'm trying to use this but it doesn't product a sound. Is there a manual or instructional video that I can check? Because may have missed something. THankyou
Posted on February 26 2020 by KReativeSounds |
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I'm trying to use this but it doesn't product a sound. Is there a manual or instructional video that I can check? Because may have missed something. THankyou
I'm trying to use this but it doesn't product a sound. Is there a manual or instructional video that I can check? Because may have missed something. THankyou
Posted on February 26 2020 by KReativeSounds |
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Hello! This is a MIDI device and it's conceived to generate sequences. Its output has to be connected to a MIDI instrument input in order for it to produce actual sound.
Posted on February 26 2020 by stefanostev |
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