Device Details
Name | Version: | TR-8S Aerobik Performer 1.2 |
Author: | darrien |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Device providing controls for tune, decay, ctrl and level of all drum voices as well as for accent, reverb, delay and master fx. So this enables you to control your TR8S from Ableton using the Аеробик Performer. If you map the controls on your TR-8S to those of the Аеробик Performer, you'll be able to record all parameter changes performed on the TR-8S straight into automations in Ableton. I always wanted to build pattern in Ableton, but "perform" them on the machine and record not the audio, but param changes of the performance for later fine tuning. All available plugins I found left me failing with lots of drop outs Roland doesn't seem to care about integrating their recent hardware with the DAW world either. There's the cloud they have to push, I guess. Therefore, I spent some hours learning max4live and creating the damn thing I need myself. I hope it will be useful for other TR-8S enthusiasts as well. Oh and if you're into techno, check out our label: https://www.аеробик.com/ RELEASE NOTES 1.2 2019-05-26 - Fixed tune knobs resetting to -2 instead of 0 - Added center indicator to tune knobs - Used the blank space to add the name of the device :) 1.1 2019-05-26 - Fixed shifted labels of drum voices - Added controls for accent, reverb, delay and master fx 1.0 2019-05-25 - Initial release providing controls for tune, decay, ctrl and level of all drum voices |
Live Version Used: | 10.0.6 |
Max Version Used: | 8.0.2 |
Date Added: | May 25 2019 23:49:20 |
Date Last Updated: | May 07 2020 17:33:15 |
Downloads: | 1110 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike |
Average Rating
(5) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | TR-8S Аеробик Performer 1.2.amxd |
Hi, Thanks for making this!
I am having a problem that i think comes from a midi feedback loop, but then the device behaves strangely in another way also.
I am using the TR-8S over 5pin MIDI, i am not sure if this impacts the behavior of the device somehow.
One problem i have is that when i playback the arrangement with automation the playback of the TR-8s becomes slow ad stuttered, as if its clock has gone crazy. if i erase the automation, it plays fine again. the slowdowns seem to coincide with automation events. (other max devices i se for external synths do not have this problem in my setup)
The other problem i am having is that when i set the TR-8S to have RxEditData = ON and TxEditData = ON (send and receive midi CC from/to all the controls on the tr-8s), and after i have successfully mapped the tr-8s knobs and sliders to the controls in the max device, then when i turn a knob on the drum machine all the way back and forth, the corresponding control in the max device only changes by 2 or 3 values. also, the sound of the drum machine follows this same 2 or 3 value change in the parameter, not the control knob of the TR8S.
When i turn off RxEditData, then the controls in max respond just fine, but then the TR8S cannot receive the CCs to play them back.
I hope i explained that clearly.
my settings are the following:
Ableton midi device: IN (track, remote = ON) OUT ( track, sync, remote = ON)
Midi input channel on ableton midi channel: 10
monitoring: off
the max device is placed 1st and then an External Instrument device is added with midi output channel 10
TR-8S settings that i think are important:
temposync: midi
sync out: off
RxStartStop: ON
device id:17
omni: off
Pattern Ch:10
Kit ch: 1
USBmidiThru: off
SoftThru: off
Tx Prog change: off
Txnudge OFF
Rx prog change OFF
Rx Edit data = ON
Thanks a bunch once again, sorry for the long write up, i hope someone knows what im doing wrong!
I am having a problem that i think comes from a midi feedback loop, but then the device behaves strangely in another way also.
I am using the TR-8S over 5pin MIDI, i am not sure if this impacts the behavior of the device somehow.
One problem i have is that when i playback the arrangement with automation the playback of the TR-8s becomes slow ad stuttered, as if its clock has gone crazy. if i erase the automation, it plays fine again. the slowdowns seem to coincide with automation events. (other max devices i se for external synths do not have this problem in my setup)
The other problem i am having is that when i set the TR-8S to have RxEditData = ON and TxEditData = ON (send and receive midi CC from/to all the controls on the tr-8s), and after i have successfully mapped the tr-8s knobs and sliders to the controls in the max device, then when i turn a knob on the drum machine all the way back and forth, the corresponding control in the max device only changes by 2 or 3 values. also, the sound of the drum machine follows this same 2 or 3 value change in the parameter, not the control knob of the TR8S.
When i turn off RxEditData, then the controls in max respond just fine, but then the TR8S cannot receive the CCs to play them back.
I hope i explained that clearly.
my settings are the following:
Ableton midi device: IN (track, remote = ON) OUT ( track, sync, remote = ON)
Midi input channel on ableton midi channel: 10
monitoring: off
the max device is placed 1st and then an External Instrument device is added with midi output channel 10
TR-8S settings that i think are important:
temposync: midi
sync out: off
RxStartStop: ON
device id:17
omni: off
Pattern Ch:10
Kit ch: 1
USBmidiThru: off
SoftThru: off
Tx Prog change: off
Txnudge OFF
Rx prog change OFF
Rx Edit data = ON
Thanks a bunch once again, sorry for the long write up, i hope someone knows what im doing wrong!
Posted on March 31 2021 by MarshallDestro |
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Dude.. your a genius- You saved my ass!! came here cause I had the same problem on your post "Midi-Loop of Death", I was using the TR-8s Editor Controller from Momo. Huge pain in the ass with the feedback looping. completely unresolvable !
Thank you so much for posting this and uploading this device. I salute you!
Thank you so much for posting this and uploading this device. I salute you!
Posted on July 22 2021 by Alfonrock |
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I think you need to set the midi in/out Remote to off in Ableton. Might fix your problem, not sure though..
I think you need to set the midi in/out Remote to off in Ableton. Might fix your problem, not sure though..
Posted on July 26 2021 by MPrinsen |
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I quickly mapped all the tr8s knobs to your device and it works like a charm. Your efforts are really very much appreciated.