Device Details


Name | Version: Simple One-Button Macro 2.0
Author: surfingpikachu
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: A simple mappable On/Off button to trigger any parameter in live.

• 1 (one) large MIDI-mappable button
• Adjustable Min/Max


--UPDATE V2 [04MAR19]--
--Changed the button so you can MIDI map it.


Live Version Used: 10.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.0.0
Date Added: Apr 04 2019 01:57:23
Date Last Updated: Apr 04 2019 20:53:08
Downloads: 912
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: ButtonMacroV2b.amxd


Hi, neat little tool !! I never understood why you can't have button rather than knob macros to cover situations for switching racks or devices on or off, so this is super helpful !

It's a max audio effect currently, so I can only insert after an instrument.
It would be 10x more cool if you had a max midi effect version, so I can insert at the beginning of the chain to be able to switch on and off whole racks or devices ...
Great plugin... but the map settings don't save with the device if you need it saved. For example after you group it with a device it is mapped to and save the group you loose the mapping info.

Does anyone know of a way to fix that?

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