Device Details


Name | Version: SimpleChord 1.1
Author: sensitiveworkshop
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: With SimpleChord, you play a full chord with just one finger.

SimpleChord is a M4L midi plugin.

Update: I've added a Spread option, to create more chord variations.


Live Version Used: 10.0.2
Max Version Used: 8.0.0
Date Added: Aug 22 2018 21:37:21
Date Last Updated: Aug 27 2018 01:27:33
Downloads: 2260
License: None
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: SimpleChord.amxd


Thanks, really nice, simple yet very useful.
Just one snag: sometimes notes get stuck, seems to be related to the "random" buttons (not sure).

Also, I like how the Sub hits with the main (root?) key instead of being included in the "Speed" roll.
Thank you for your nice feedback!

Yes, there is a little bug on the keyboard, I need to find a solution for this.
@pottering I've made an update. The bug is fixed and the keyboard is now cleaned.
wow really nice and usable, especially the strum section, it would be possible to change without preset agreements, or a device that uses only the section strum and sub?
really good effect.

Sometimes it seems like the strum doesn't zero out correctly and you still get a strum effect instead of a fixed chord hit.

Also really wanting a synced speed mode for a specific use case. Haven't experimented with putting in a quantizer inside.

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