Device Details


Name | Version: Push Record Pedal Scene Controller 1.1
Author: Panosla
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This device grabs the record pedal control from push 2 and uses it to launch next scene (tap once on the foot controller) or previous scene (by tapping twice on the foot controller).

The controls are just two:

Grab Push 2 Record Pedal - When this is active the pedal stops to control the default record function and controls scene launching. When is inactive reverts to its original function

Double Tap Interval - This is just a preference. It controls the time interval that two taps would register as a double tap.

How to use:
Simply load it on a midi track.

Changes in v1.1
- Added a FSS button (which stands for Fire Selected Scene)
- Removed some of the non essential from the UI and added a preferences triangle
- Added compatibility for Push 1 (Check Preferences section)


Live Version Used: 10.0.2
Max Version Used: 8
Date Added: Jul 22 2018 17:50:20
Date Last Updated: Jul 28 2018 09:27:39
Downloads: 364
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: Push Record Pedal Scene Controller.amxd


Man !! It's awesome, I dreamt of this functionnality since ages.

However, is there any way to launch the selected scene and not only "launch from the previous scene" ? I find it kinda confusing to select the scene before the one you really want to launch.

Thank you for this amazing little add-on !!

Thank you for the update v1.1 ! :)
Is there any way to assign the FSS to the footswitch pedal ?
Also, would it possible to deactivate the Double Tap function ?
Thank you very much Panosla !

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