Device Details


Name | Version: MIDI ProbablyZ 0.09
Author: synthesizerwriter
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: MIDI ProbablyZ builds on the stochastic grid used in MIDI Probably, and adds two extra grids:

- Order, which allows simple re-ordering of the steps of the sequence by altering the default staircase (1:1 mapping), but because it also allows multiple vertical entries, it allows the ordering of he sequence to be controlled randomly, with jumps to anywhere in the sequence controlled by the number of selected dots in a vertical (1:n mapping).

- Octave, which allows octave transpositions to be applied to the notes in the Pitch grid. This makes the octave that a note plays independent of the note pitch, and means that a fixed note can have random octave transpositions applied, or a random selection from a set of pitches can have a random octave transposition, etc.

Please see the entry for MIDI Probably (the base plug-in for this series) for more information on how MIDI Probably's grid work.

Why Z? Because the 'Order' grid allows control over time, and z is traditionally used to represent time in signal processing.

There's an audio demo of ProbablyZ at:

There's a tutorial here:
and an audio demo to accompany the tutorial at:

Version 0.07 now features preset storage - so you can store grids and recall them on the fly.

Version 0.08 fixes the annoying sync problem if you try to do other tracks. It should now always be be in sync.

Version 0.09 provides a way to reset the grids to a default setting. Just click on the tiny blue circle in the lower right hand corner - in the 'Length' section. To save your own personalised starting position, just save ProbablyZ in your User Library and add that '.adv' to tracks instead of the '.amxd'.


Live Version Used: 9.7.4
Max Version Used: 7.3.4
Date Added: Aug 06 2017 06:20:56
Date Last Updated: Oct 24 2017 20:41:03
Downloads: 807
License: None
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Device File: MIDI_ProbablyZ_mr_0v09.amxd


Version 0.07 adds the preset storage - so now you can gradually build from a simple sequence to a complex one, or any other variation you want. This increases the usability and flexibility of ProbablyZ quite a lot.
Version 0.08 fixes the annoying sync problem if you try to do other tracks. It should now always be be in sync. As always, let me know if you find a bug...
this looks amazing, thank you! Is there a way to reset the grids to some kind of good starting place or initialization?
Version 0.09 provides a way to reset the grids to a default setting. Just click on the tiny blue circle in the lower right hand corner - in the 'Length' section.

To save your own personalised starting position, just save ProbablyS in your User Library and add that '.adv' to tracks instead of the '.amxd'.

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