Device Details


Name | Version: MIDI Hack 1.0
Author: ldmdevices
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Probability-based generative midi modifier, based on the idea from Brian Eno's probability scripts. It takes whatever midi notes come in and modifies according to set probabilities.

Controls for each note being played, a random note being played instead (within a settable range), an octave shift of the note, and note repeat effect. Also includes global controls for pitch range and scale setting.

Free/Pay as you like


Live Version Used: 9.6.2
Max Version Used: 7.2.4
Date Added: Apr 24 2017 04:43:34
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 6
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: MIDIHack.amxd


hi there, for some reason i can't see the left side bars and knobs of the device.
I'd love to try this out, but UI doesn't show when it's loaded into live.
oh crap. sorry guys, sometimes max is naughty and doesn't freexe the device properly. let me update...
update just got sent out by email. sorry about that! :)
Excellent. This works now! This is really fun to play with. I really like the idea of the bypass switches - wish it was longer (2 measures vs 1 measure). I'm not great at Max or I'd try to make the changes myself.
I'm a fool. It is 2 measures - bypassing on each beat. For some reason I was thinking it was 1/16 notes for each bypass.
maybe i should add the ability to change the period of the bypass loop...
I now have a pro version with a bunch of extra features and more control

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