Device Details


Name | Version: Logistic Map 1.2
Author: luisBergmann
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This is a midi device that creates notes based on the results of a logistic map function. More information about the function can be found here:

The most important parameter is the r [0. 4.] that produces interesting behavior above 3.57.

You have the option of a free or sync mode, very much like the Arpeggiator device in Ableton.

On the left side of the data point display there is a vertical rslider that can select a range to be played.

Two float objects with extended decimal places can be used to fine tune the rate and r parameters. Be careful of the minimum metro rate (10ms) as it can be CPU intensive.

On the right side of the device there are midi note number objects for minimum and maximum output range, as well as a note length dial.

That is all, enjoy!


Live Version Used: 9.6.2
Max Version Used: 7.2.4
Date Added: Mar 14 2017 10:50:01
Date Last Updated: Jan 05 2018 22:56:44
Downloads: 1580
License: Attribution
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: logisticMap.amxd


ty fam
Fun device. Thanks!

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