Device Details
Name | Version: | MIDI Mixer Mapper 1.2 |
Author: | atomictag |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | You have a bunch of MIDI tracks - with no audio out - routing MIDI to other tracks or plugins. You have cool controllers with level controls, mute controls and sends per track (thinking how awesome that is on Push2). But of course these are totally useless for your MIDI-only tracks, and that becomes easily a messy business and a workflow killer - esp. if you like to jam or play live. This device simply monitors mixer commands triggered by a HW controller (volume, mute, send values) and allows you to map those to just about anything - in fairly simple and straightforward way. This device is a quick experiment I made for myself to control levels and mutes of the tracks of my Elektron machines from MIDI tracks via Overbridge - directly from the UI of Push2. That should work for any other similar case. So far it does a fairly good job - but I am planning to improve it if there is enough interest on this forum. NOTE: 2-way sync is a bit shaky for volume levels and therefore is by default disabled. Only the first 2 sends (A and B) are supported (that's because it's all I need at the moment). Feedback appreciated as always. v.1.2 - Improved handling of 2-way volume control v.1.1: - fixed unmap issue of mute parameter mapper |
Live Version Used: | 9.6 |
Max Version Used: | 7.2.1 |
Date Added: | Mar 14 2016 18:39:56 |
Date Last Updated: | Mar 17 2016 13:47:48 |
Downloads: | 674 |
ⓘ License: | Attribution |
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Device File: | [dma] MIDI Mixer Mapper 1.2.amxd |
Looks pretty cool. Checking it out now & will let you know any thoughts, if any. Thx!
Posted on September 22 2016 by itsBREX |
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Hi. I've only just discovered this device and I'm really liking it. Mapping volume and mute works very well, but I can't figure out how to map send A and B. How does that work?
Posted on May 10 2020 by adgangfolmer |
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