Device Details


Name | Version: RandomBPM 2.1
Author: mothergarage
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Randomizes BPM within a certain range when loaded (now with random time signature, too).

Put this in your default template, set the range, activate randomization with the buttons to the right and save your template. On the next start the tempo and/or the time signature of your set will be randomized. When you save a set it will not trigger another randomization on loading unless you activate randomization again before you save it.

The buttons on the left randomize instantly.

Init sets the BPM to 120 and the time signature to 4/4.

V 1.3: Internal cleanup.

V 1.4: The Reset button is now highlighted when Reset is engaged. More housekeeping.

V 1.5: Code optimized.

V 1.5.1: Fixed a bug, where Reset stayed on after loading.

V 2.0: Added randomization of time signature.

V2.1: Added Settings for custom Init values.


Live Version Used: 9.5
Max Version Used: 7.1
Date Added: Dec 03 2015 06:07:34
Date Last Updated: Apr 04 2016 05:34:23
Downloads: 541
License: AttributionShareAlike
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: RandomBPM V2.1.amxd


Love this. So many times I open a new session, stumble down an interesting road, and then realize that yet again, after resampling and getting used to a groove, that I'm predictably in the default tempo. My work around has to save my template at different tempos say every month. Even this becomes arbitrary, as the distinctions kind of wash away, unless you exclusively work within one or two genres.
Definitely on board with this one.
I'd put it in my Master track or whichever you first see when you open a template in order to delete it before venturing further...
Oh I see, the reset engaged will only randomize on that first launch, so even if you forget to delete it (which isn't a bad idea to lighten the load) your session will commit to that first tempo.
Hey, any interest in making a tempo AND time signature version of this? I know there's one on the boards here, but of the little I know about patching, yours offers more elegant code, and I'm sticking with this.
@braduro: Done :)
I'm like a kid in a candy shop. Thanks MG
Thank You! Love it!

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