Device Details


Name | Version: ChainSelectorviaProgramchange 1.0
Author: NoIsYs
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: I adapted the PChainSelector V1_1. Put it in front of an InstrumentRack. Select the proper Track, InstrumentRack and in Parameter: ChainSelect.
Now the chain follows the program changes which are set in clip view.
Advantage: You can select all clips and change the chain at once by editing the program number. You can use it also for other parameters.



Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.4
Date Added: Nov 13 2015 20:58:34
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 386
License: None
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Device File: ChainSelectorviaProgramchange.amxd


I actually created an account to give this 5 stars and say thank you. It works PERFECTLY with a Tech 21 midi mouse.
Now the chain follows the program changes which are set in clip view.
Advantage: You can select all clips and change the chain at once by editing the program number. You can use it also for other parameters."

I don't follow. What program changes? What program number? Do you mean the Chain Selector value? For this device I see only "Device on". The Chain selector only changes the current clip, not others.

My apologies if this is supposed to be obvious. It's not for me.
OK, I get now that this is supposed to work with the program changes as set in the Notes tab of the Clip.

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