Device Details


Name | Version: LP-8x6-Macros 1.0
Author: Phatline
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Turn the Matrix from LaunchPads User2-Mode into Switches - that can Remote 5x8 Parameters via Max-Remote object...

I programmed it because of:
When you use Launchpad in Midimode, then you have the problem it uses the same Notes and Midichanals then other launchpads or APCs!!!! - No way to midize anything (if you ask me -> abuslutely stupid.)
So with this you only switch from Session to Usermode2 and controll "switch" parameter.

I use it to turn on of Arpegiator, Pitch Midiefx, Midigates Chords and so on.


Live Version Used: 8.1
Max Version Used:
Date Added: May 24 2010 13:21:34
Date Last Updated: May 29 2010 17:20:02
Downloads: 797
License: None
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Device File: LP-Macros-6x8.amxd


it sounds brilliant, but please can you explain how to use it cause I can't get it working yet...
thank you so much for the details, i 'm going to test it right now.
ah I have forgotten:
If you activate the "learn Mode" and activate "Reset Preset" all Settings are init @ now the Launchpad controlls nothing (press this bevore you setup the patch the first time - or if you want to erase it and make it completely new)
update: I had now some time to jam a few ours and days...I debuged the whole thing & now it should work

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