Device Details


Name | Version: CC Toggle Trick 1.0
Author: manysounds
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Easy little thing for those moments when you need it. -Like when you're on your laptop in bed with a cat on your chest and suddenly need a sustain pedal for a part you just had pop into your head...

Choose a CC#
Choose a minimum value
Choose a maximum value
Bang away
Starts as Sustain Pedal #64

DOES NOT send minimum value with loadbang because reasons. Might change this...


Live Version Used: 9.1
Max Version Used: 6.1.5
Date Added: Nov 30 2013 11:48:08
Date Last Updated: Nov 30 2013 11:59:48
Downloads: 721
License: None
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Device File: CC Toggle Trick.amxd

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