Device Details


Name | Version: MiniBrute Control 2.0
Author: PatrickDSP
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Ableton has always been a pain for controlling external gear. Even though there's not much to control via midi for the Minibrute. I made a quick max4live midi plugin to control pitch bend, mod wheel, and after touch. I even added a nice panic button in case there's ever a stuck note as sometimes is the case with hardware. Have fun automating.

***UPDATE 1.1.0***
Now with better automation scales and better panic button.

***UPDATE 2.0***
Now includes access to all the parameters found in the editor. Firmware 1.0.3 required.


Live Version Used: 9.1.2
Max Version Used: 6.1.7
Date Added: Jul 21 2013 19:37:40
Date Last Updated: Feb 18 2022 11:00:36
Downloads: 1239
License: AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivatives
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Device File: Minibrute Control.amxd


Hey! Love the plugin but I can't seem to get this to work.
I have the "Minibrute Control" before an "external instrument (the minibrute)" on a midi track.
But the minibrute does not register the changes I make from the plugin. Any known issues?
No issues ever reported before with this plugin. It's standard midi cc messages. Check your connections & midi channels or consult with Ableton or Arturia about how to setup your synth. Good luck.
Great Device.
Patrick this decide can be usted with the Microbrute? Thank you
Nice! thank you for your work : )

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