Device Details


Name | Version: Triggered Dual Envelope 1.0
Author: josquin2000
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: After a favorite old panel Moog module. Actually, a pair of line segment function controller: make an envelope, chose time length of envelope, chose note number or controller number whose non zero value (note on) will trigger envelope, assign to a parameter, choose if you want to free parameter after envelope...then, make second envelope, chose it's length, and the delay before it 'plays'...lotsa fun, and it twirls the knobs for 'ya, I tell 'ya!!


Live Version Used: 8.1.1
Max Version Used:
Date Added: Jan 09 2010 12:05:48
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 697
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Device File: TriggeredDualEnvelope.amxd

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