Device Details
Name | Version: | XO-DrumRack 2.1 |
Author: | xanadu |
Device Type: | Instrument |
Description: | XO Drum Rack for Push 2 or Arturia Minilab MKII – Version 2.1 (sorry, Windows only) Version 2.1 Is a bug-fix for version 2.0 This version replaces the earlier version 1.0. Now there are no more external dependancies. The XO VST drum machine from XLN is very popular, mainly because it lets you quickly find exactly the right sound for each drum pad. This device transforms it into an Ableton Live Drum Rack. You can add your own effects to each drum pad, each with 16 macros. There are also 6 send/return tracks, each with its own 16 macros, as well as a mixer to control the volume and balance of the 8 pads. Finally, you can add effects with macros to the track’s output. In total, there are 16 chains. You can manage the XO VST’s sound configuration and all Drum Rack parameters using a Push 2, while the Push 2’s built-in sequencer continues to work. For a more affordable alternative, you can also fully control this device with an Arturia Minilab MKII keyboard. Although you can control the device with a mouse, that’s not really the intention. This software is inspired by a “DAW-less” approach, where you don’t want to stare at a complex computer screen but instead want to physically turn knobs with minimal distractions. If you’re using a Push 2, you’ll see all the necessary information on its LCD screen. For the Minilab, there’s a screen tailored to an iPad running apps like Duet or Twomon, so you can place the iPad right next to your Minilab. In a genuinely DAW-less setup, you’d also need a groovebox to combine all your sounds. These can easily cost 500 euros, pounds, or dollars, and they always have fewer capabilities than Ableton Live. That’s why I’m still using Live, but I aim to keep my focus on the individual sounds without constantly looking at Live’s complex interface. This is the first version of this Drum Rack. It’s quite extensive, offering more than 30 parameters per drum pad. If there’s enough demand, I may create a smaller variant with 16 or 8 parameters per pad. Version 1.0 of this project relied on the p2d device from Sigabort. Version 2.0 comes with it’s own DLLs to control the Push2 LCD screen. No more external dependencies. You can also use these DLLs to create your own custom control for the Push2 display. You can blend frames from Ableton Live and MaxForLive on a per pixel basis using blend-commands inside MaxForLive. Developing this device took a considerable amount of time and was an enjoyable process. Especially designing the DLLs for the Push2 LCD was quite hard: I have not used C++ for about 20 years. ChatGTP helped me to get the job done. I’m not much of a musician myself, but I hope others will enjoy using this Drum Rack. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome. |
Live Version Used: | 11.3.41 |
Max Version Used: | 8.6.5 |
Date Added: | Mar 18 2025 12:13:00 |
Date Last Updated: | Mar 18 2025 22:39:10 |
Downloads: | 46 |
ⓘ License: | None |
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Device File: | XO_DrumRack version |
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This is a complex device and I don't have time to test on other machines than my own desktop Windows 11 PC. Please report (leave a comment) if the device is not working for you.
Willem (AKA Xanadu)