Device Details


Name | Version: RandFlam 1.0
Author: Gross9978
Device Type: MIDI Transformation
Description: RandFlam lets you create flam or ghost notes similar to the stock "ornament" tool, with the addition of a deviation percentage for the number of notes created and the offset amount per note. It has controls for a velocity/pitch ramp that will stay in scale with the current clip, if you'd prefer chromatic ramps just turn the scale off for the clip. The duration control sets the created notes duration between 0 and 100 percent of the original notes length, it's only useful when using a pitch ramp. The dice recalculates the randomization if you have any deviation applied. 

I originally made this as a test to figure out how to do a few things but have ended up using it a lot so I thought id share it. I love the ornament tool but wanted slight variations instead of the exact same thing for every note. This lets you either get the same output every time or slight to severe variations within a range. I made it using Max 9 which isn't currently bundled with live but to the best of my knowledge and in my test it works fine with older versions. Hope you dig it.


Live Version Used: 12.1.5
Max Version Used: 9.0.3
Date Added: Dec 23 2024 16:37:30
Date Last Updated: Dec 23 2024 17:29:14
Downloads: 273
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: RandFlam.amxd


Thank you!
For sure man:)

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