Device Details


Name | Version: visage - fm drum machine 1.0
Author: sseker
Device Type: Instrument
Description: visage is a four track fm drum synthesizer built for ableton live

i made this for myself a while ago to make digital sounding drum loops where i could have control of timbre etc. just wanted something simple - essentially a cold, metallic sounding drum machine that can be broken apart in ableton, with some cheap dsp effects that you can modulate with live lfo’s

- separate outs so you can process each track individually. take a blank audio track in ableton and set the input to visage, and find all the separate outputs labelled channels 1-5 (kick is channel 1; fx is 5; etc.).
- trigger each track with midi c1-d#1
- a mode that lets you start/stop the sequencer for individual tracks - for arrangement. turn this on in the settings and start/stop tracks by holding c0-d#0 respectively. midi note on + hold = play sequencer ; midi note off = stop sequencer

thanks to tom hall for letting me use his tmh.verb patch for the reverb. i made some modifications, but the architecture is all his

it’s a bit buggy, and there’s things i’ll try my best to fix and improve on, but i don’t have much time that i can dedicate to it. i decided to implement a 'pay if you can' model - if you can afford it, your support will go a long way in further development, bug fixing, and allowing me to continue making patches.


join my discord for updates, queries, bug fixes, beta testing etc.



Live Version Used: 11.3.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Dec 11 2024 12:13:29
Date Last Updated: Dec 12 2024 11:17:59
Downloads: 0
License: None
Average Rating (4)

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OMG what an awesome drumbox! Thank you for making this sir.
This is absolutely A+ drumsynth !! Extremely slick interface and it sounds just as good as it looks xD!!
Well Merry x-mas to us here on the m4l forums - eh?   This is killer - thanks so much for sharing it
Well Merry x-mas to us here on the m4l forums - eh?   This is killer - thanks so much for sharing it

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