Device Details


Name | Version: Duck Buddy 2 by Slynk 2.0
Author: Slynk
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Watch the video:


Live Version Used: 11
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Nov 25 2024 00:33:36
Date Last Updated: Nov 25 2024 00:34:17
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Great V2 of the so far for me most used Sidechain ducking tool. I noticed an issue that seemingly already came up before. In V 2.01 there is a fix mentioned for clicks appearing when a lookahead is set and the Gain Reduction shape is triggered by a new midi note before the GR shape could run its way back to 0dB. On my copy of V2.02 this behaviour seems to be resolved for a lookahead of 2ms, but on other lookahead values it still seems to happen.
Another thing i'd like to address is the absence of any smoothing options besides the one for the new RM feature. The "Ramp" and "Smooth" feature on Duck Buddy V1 worked really well to deal with any kind of unwanted clicks. Especially if Duck Buddy is used for more odd shapes with sudden jumpes in volumes. But also just using it for regular SC ducking the ramp provided by the lookahead doesn't seem to cut it in many cases i tried it out. So the old Ramp and Smooth Options would be very welcome to reappear. Thx for great work and continuation for the tool!

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