Device Details


Name | Version: gd-bigstretch 1.0
Author: asteriskVT
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: gd-bigstretch s a Max For Live device that I originally created in the Max/MSP Pluggo environment around 2004 & updated for M4L in 2024. This is an extreme time stretching effect with some bonus features! The buttons across the top are octave controls up and down. Stretch amount is how slowly it will read through the buffer. Magnitude threshold is almost like a low pass filter of sorts, it filters off the high end and makes the audio more “sine wavey”, if that makes sense. Interpolation is how smoothly it shifts from frame to frame. Freeze buffer will stop recording into the buffer. and Magic toggle is just MAGIC! This one really rewards experimentation and play, you can get a wide variety of sounds out of it.


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jul 21 2024 03:20:55
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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it is not working.. no sound at all.. Live 12 Win 10

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