Device Details


Name | Version: FugueML 1.3
Author: gparun
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: A Sequencer similar to the popular Fugue Machine Sequencer for Apple devices that does not have the fancy Piano roll with multiple play heads moving around, but with M4L's Step Sequencer. A few more additions not in the original like:
- A pattern for each of the four Sequence
- Additional directions (like Random, Drunk, Odd)
- Start and End Offset for playing each of the Sequence
- A toggle to repeat each note twice - Velocity, Length and Probability settings for each of the Sequence
- Octave and Probability setting for each of the note in the Step Sequencer
- Gate setting for ALL notes
- Each note can be sent to a different Midi Channel or routed to a different Ableton Track like all my other devices
- The power of Max for Live and Ableton to modulate/automate almost every control including changing presets!
- V1.2 now has Metropolix like features
- V1.3 now has built in Scales

Check out the youtube video

10/5/2024: Updated to v1.2 that now includes Metropolix like features
1/12/2025: v1.3 update now adds built-in scale for every Sequencer


Live Version Used: 11.3.20
Max Version Used: 8.5.6
Date Added: Jun 04 2024 01:33:22
Date Last Updated: Feb 04 2025 17:10:16
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Great device, but there is no max midi receiver included, right?
Thanks. It should already be there as a part of Ableton I believe.
I use Ableton 11.2.25 and it still isn't part of it so I googled and found it in a forum, where this was discussed as well but on another context
Okay now I found it even on official Ableton comes in a free M4L pack by Ableton, which isn't updated anymore and I still didin't download it
Interesting device. I wonder if the Transposition ( Global ) can listen to root key changes from master keyboard or midi clip?
@justix66 I plan to add the MIDI in features to trigger Transposition in the next release (v1.4?)

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