Device Details


Name | Version: Chiastic Solo 1
Author: zsteinkamp
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Chiastic Solo lets you control which track or chain in a group or rack is soloed, by using a knob.

This makes some mastering / album workflows easier by being able to dedicate a hardware knob to track selection.

There may be creative uses for this too. Who knows!? :D

More info at:

See my other free and open source Max for Live devices here:


Live Version Used: 12.0.2
Max Version Used: 8.6.0
Date Added: May 22 2024 17:40:37
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: None
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hey! this is really cool. thank you!

Im seeing many creative uses for it. So far ive loaded ten loops, and then just play with the selector knob, and resample. For some reason, the selector knob does not work when i map an LFO or other modulator to it. It would be awesome if that worked somehow. Random LFO set to 8th notes, playing little snippets of loops / drones etc, the possibilities are endless. Is there a way to implement control over the selector knob??
Hey @shinytheshiny! Thanks for checking it out.
I saw that bug too and fixed it. I cheated a little and just replaced the file that was there, so try re-downloading it and it should be good to go. Thanks!
thank you for the quick fix! great tool. all of your devices are awesome. much appreciated!

You may be interested in SimulScrub or Chiastic Slide. They are similar to this, but crossfade volume rather than working on Solo.
(hmm, those question marks are supposed to be old trains with smoke coming out! choo choo!)

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