Device Details


Name | Version: AI Stem Separation - BeatSplit 1.0
Author: TeamVimu
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: BeatSplit uses AI to split out mixed audio into individual tracks from different instruments. BeatSplit can split out vocals, drums, bass, and other instruments into 4 separate audio tracks from a mix. Individual audio stems can be downloaded and used as samples.

No need to go to websites to try to rip vocals or get an acapella track. With BeatSplit you can upload an audio clip and rip high-quality instruments, vocals, drums, or bass, all for free within Ableton.

This is v1 and will be free until April 14th. We'll upload new versions as we finish working on them. Feel free to drop any questions in the comments.


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Mar 26 2024 09:31:42
Date Last Updated: Apr 04 2024 02:22:29
Downloads: 972
License: None
Average Rating (5)

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Device File: BeatSplit.amxd


That yellow box on the right with white letters. Illegible. Can't make a word out
@irishmos thanks for the feedback! It says that this is a free trial until april 30th. We'll update it to make it more legible
Hi, I'm having a hard time getting any stem separation. Does this have any specific requirements to be used?
@StereoSix try just waiting for a few minutes? that should allow you to get the stem separation completed
Will a new version allow for choosing what stems I would like? I normally just need the beats separated out and the rest together, so I have to render the other ones back together now
Please, Please, Please continue to make this Free.

I don't sing. I don't want to sing. But I love my favorite vocals and want them to be a part of my own songs.

Please make it cheap, if you won't make it Free.

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