Device Details


Name | Version: Simple Vst Morpher - Fx 1.3
Author: opticon93
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Hi Folks,

This is a simple Vst snapshot morpher for audio effects. When I first attempted to create this device, I looked to Schlam's Dirty Vst Wrapper. Unfortunately, when I looked under the hood, my head exploded all over the place trying to figure out even a small part of it. Fortunately, I found one of their forum posts with the pure guts, which I've cannibalized and modified.

Press Load to locate your Vst folder. The Show and Hide buttons show and hide the Vst interface. The Preset number selects presets in the vst, if the vst allows it.

Below that is the Snapshot Storage and Morpher. Twiddle the knobs on the vst and Shift+Click to save a Snapshot. Twiddle the knobs some more (or choose another preset) and save another Snapshot. Click on a snapshot to recall it.

The Morph Slider morphs between the Snapshots stored in the A and B ends of the slider. Change the numbers at the end of the slider to select the snapshot loaded there.

At the bottom is a multislider display of all of the vst parameters. Up to 4,096 parameters can be included in a Snapshot.

The Preset number, Morph Slider, Snap A and B are all automatable.


Update: I completely changed how snapshots are put into the slider.
Update: I simplified how snapshots are put into the slider.
Update: Hi, Sorry. The newest version doesn't continuously remind you of the CamelPhat3.


Live Version Used: 11.3.22
Max Version Used: 8.5.3
Date Added: Mar 16 2024 13:50:22
Date Last Updated: Mar 29 2024 01:01:56
Downloads: 310
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: Simple Vst Morpher - Fx.amxd


This is brilliant. Congrats. Curious if you could implement a couple things. If so I would GLADLY pay for this.

1. a way to have the plugin be "always on top" or essentially keep the plugin window up even if youre clicking on the device?

2. Make it so you can adjust the snapshot of A and B independently?
For those on Mac, a very quick test shows it also works with AU plugins. Thanks!
I must be slow. Not getting an audio. Just to confirm, this should work on Live 11 - yeah?

If so, just confirming,
I load the VST instrument I want to use, load this as an Audio Effect on the same track as the VST instrument - yeah? Then click "load", find the VST in my VST folder and from there, the instrument should be controlled by this device? And audio should be moving through the actual VST through this (since this device is an audio effect on the same track?)

Anyone that can point out where I'm being a bone head - much appreciated. We need people like you. We're old. Or I am anyway...
Hi, Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

There are no Instruments involved here. Audio Effects only. However, you have now pointed out the obvious need for a midi version of this. Hopefully, it will be easy, but I have a lot of work to do at the moment.


Thanks for the info. There is nothing worse than posting something and have it not work for macs. In fact, I dread it every time I post something.


For 1, Everyone really wants that, but Max isn't listening. The most recent posts on the subject, again by Schlam in 2024, conclude that there is no way to do it.

For 2, I'm not sure I understand. The A and B Morpher slots are loaded from saved snapshots. Its like a string with fixed endpoints at A and B. You want to be able to change the endpoints while morphing between them? I'm pretty sure I have no idea how to even diagram that out.

On the other hand, I've been considering a version with only two snapshots, but its been difficult. At any time you are twisting the knobs, you can just press the A or B button to update that side of the morph slider. This way, you don't need to save a snapshot and then recall it in the correct sequence to get it to the side you want.
@FreddyFingaz It seems like it was easier than I thought to make an instrument version. I put it up here
@opticon, let me see if I can clarify what I mean.

I would love to be able to design a bunch of different snapshots of any given plugin but always have the A side be clean, or unaffected. So essentially I could load up any snapshot using the snapshot selector and essentially if the slider was to the left it would be clean and then to the right it would be whatever state of the plugin im trying to get to.

This would be downright amazing for live performance. As of now I'm either super dumb or I cant figure out how to make one of the sides remain the same setting. Another way that could make this work is the ability to call up A and B separately like its dont on the elektron octatrack.
Oh god the Octatrack. I spent half an hour with it in the shop. After the first five minutes, I could no longer get any sound out of it. But I kept trying.

I think just being able to load up either the A side or the B side of the slider independently fixes the issue, since you can just keep adjusting and loading new snaps to the B side.

I think it is achievable. But it might be awhile

Hi. it turned out to be easier than I thought to change the way snaps are put into the morpher. Now you can store into either position whenever you want.

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