Device Details


Name | Version: 181-MicMidi 1.1
Author: hiei
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This device generates MIDI data in real time from microphone sound.
This device needs 181MicMidiReciever. Please download both when using this.

First, insert the 181-MicMidi device into an audio track and click monitor mode 'IN' .
Next, insert the 181-MicMidiReceive device into a MIDI track, and then insert an instrument after the 181-MicMidiReceive.

The pitch detected by 181-MicMidi will be converted into MIDI information, sent to 181-MicMidiReceive, and will play the instrument.

You can select the detection range using the key slider above.

24_0115 v1.1 Release
Resolve the issue of not working on Apple Silicon.


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Jan 07 2024 12:51:45
Date Last Updated: Jan 15 2024 12:59:44
Downloads: 215
License: AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivatives
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Device File: 181-MicMidi.amxd


24_0115 v1.1 Release
Resolve the issue of not working on Apple Silicon.

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