Device Details


Name | Version: Wavetable Selector 1.0
Author: HadenCain
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: An experiment in wavetable synthesis.

Select a waveform, amplitude envelope, and the total number of harmonics. The height of drawn harmonics determines their amplitude. Frequency modulation can be applied to the generated tone via LFO.

Future updates:

-The LFO "fills" Ableton history and I've forgotten how to fix this.

-A more elegant GUI

-I would like to add the ability to save user presets

Reach out:


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Nov 26 2022 05:53:57
Date Last Updated: Nov 26 2022 05:55:39
Downloads: 0
License: None
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Change the parameter for LFO from "automated" to "stored" or even hidden
@markusschloesser, this bit of advice has been critical in the creation of my more recent experiments. Thank you for this useful advice.

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