Device Details


Name | Version: EZRiser 1.1
Author: meteorsounds
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: EZRiser is a MIDI sampler that creates EDM style risers in a few clicks.

Just drag and drop a sample into the instrument, create a MIDI note of the desired length, and enter the rise and length information into the EZRiser interface. You can also use the amplitude envelope on top of the file drop to shape your sounds.

Update 1.1 fixes file drop issues. You can now have multiple instances of the device with their own unique audio files.

Hope you enjoy!


Live Version Used: 10.1.41
Max Version Used: 8.1.11
Date Added: Sep 14 2021 15:46:47
Date Last Updated: Feb 12 2022 22:30:04
Downloads: 435
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: EZRiser.amxd


Very cool! Going to give this a try today.
Great little device, but for some reason whenever I load a new instance of it, the device has the original sample I used from the last time I loaded it and there is no way to clear the sample out. Dropping a new sample on the device doesn't update it either.

@itsBREX thanks for the feedback! This problem should go away with 1.1 update

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