Device Details
Name | Version: | Multi-Looper Visuals and Window 1.0 |
Author: | pyamada |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | Forked from This allows 3 loopers to be visualised both in the device GUI and on a separate window. Let me know if there's some packaging issue. |
Live Version Used: | 11.0.5 |
Max Version Used: | 8.1.5 |
Date Added: | Aug 16 2021 01:04:35 |
Date Last Updated: | No Updates |
Downloads: | 465 |
ⓘ License: | Attribution |
Average Rating
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Device File: | Looper Control.amxd |
Hey pyamada, thank you so much in advance! This is pretty much what I’ve been looking for since ages... and it works on return tracks!!!! BUT: all three loopers should be on the same track!??! Wouldn’t it make more sense to have the ability to show/hide looper 2&3? Like one floating window represents one looper... or being able to set each looper visualization from a seperate track! So if i see the status of three loopers but sitting on track 1,2&3 for example! cause in my case my 8 loopers sitting in return 1-8, and i really just need to see 2 or 3 formy band mates... I would even pay something for this feature!!! But Mostly important your device works!!! Cheers man!!!
Posted on August 23 2021 by realVZI |
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Hey, realVZI, I think you could achieve that with the original device, just drop one on each track.
I've tried to document the whole patch on, that might be able to help you modify it to suit other needs.
I've tried to document the whole patch on, that might be able to help you modify it to suit other needs.
Posted on September 05 2021 by pyamada |
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Hey! Great idea and great device! Do you have any idea why I might not be able to get it to recognise and display the track names correctly?
In my projects, the trackID is always displayed like yours, in the tutorial/blog post. "Super freeze pad", etc.
I'm guessing it's got something to do with 'get name' from the Live object, but I can't pin down exactly where it's going wrong.
In my projects, the trackID is always displayed like yours, in the tutorial/blog post. "Super freeze pad", etc.
I'm guessing it's got something to do with 'get name' from the Live object, but I can't pin down exactly where it's going wrong.
Posted on October 12 2021 by danielgrieff |
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Hm... I see :D then I might have bugs. Let me try to address this in a bit.
Posted on November 04 2021 by pyamada |
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hey pyamada!
thanks so much for creating this patch, it's exactly what i'm looking for. would you by any chance be willing to make a 4 looper version? i tried doing it myself but i'm totally lost in max. thank you so much!
thanks so much for creating this patch, it's exactly what i'm looking for. would you by any chance be willing to make a 4 looper version? i tried doing it myself but i'm totally lost in max. thank you so much!
Posted on January 09 2024 by exidor12 |
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