Device Details


Name | Version: Dispatch - Global Modulation Matrix 1.0
Author: Howes
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Dispatch v1.0 adds new creative possibilities for generating, shaping and distributing modulation signals within Ableton Live.

Select from the 3 built-in modulators, or connect your favourite modulation devices and create 20 unique modulation submixes which can be connected to any parameter in Live.

Using the matrix mixer, you can attenuate, invert and mix the modulation sources into four submixes.

These submixes can be smoothed and offset using the CV processing module.

Dispatch’s modular workflow lets you route signals in and out of the modulation matrix: you can send CV signals directly to your Eurorack hardware from inside the device, consolidating all of your modulation between hardware and software.

Additionally Dispatch can derive MIDI notes from its control signals, allowing possibilities for generative composition with internal and external MIDI devices.

Store, recall and interpolate between four different device-wide snapshots using the Patterns system. The XY pad allows all of the device’s parameters to be managed from a single controller.

Using the Grid view, you can create an additional 16 unique submixes of modulation. Perfect for creating cohesive movement across your entire project.


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Jun 01 2021 13:56:11
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Hi John,
Making it through the walkthrough, thank you for doing that. And Love Stokes. Have a hard copy of the manual, even. (should I print out my own copy now that it's at 2.3? Or do you have more user cases for it since that release?)

If I was going to spend a chunk of change on a modulator, how would this differentiate itself from Suzuki Kentaro's devices? How would you leverage your dispatch using a modulator of his as an source? How does the visual ideation compare to some of his LFO's?

What kind of CPU jump would you experience bringing this device in? (Had hoped to see it switched off at some point during the walkthrough). How many patches and assignments does it take to arrive at an economy of scale, in terms of CPU, such that any less routings and you'd get better performance ala carte with LFO's or LineFO's?

Does it have a Push 2 interface, or are there other ways in which it justifies it's pop-up window real estate? I'm on a laptop (and don't do multi-screen).

Cheers to you
HI, I just bought Dispatch and it's a fantastic device, thank you so much!

I have a couple small feature requests I hope you consider for a future update -
*could you make the Matrix & Grid buttons mappable?
*also can you set them up so one press opens the pop-up windows and a second press closes them?

Thanks again for a superb device :)

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