Device Details


Name | Version: Scrumblr 2.5
Author: daisukekawashima
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: "Scrumblr" is a Max For Live plug-in that shuffles the rhythm regularly (but in a complex way).

It is easy to use and produces sounds you would never imagine.

It can be used for live performances, but also for recording and creating material with interesting results.

Demo movie:


Variation : like complexity
Modulation : like Warp ramp
Time : like Warp time
Enable Dey Wet control
& stereo expand fx
& convert 12bit sound
And, This device can use on Push2 (already mapped!).

Ableton Live 11.2 or later

・Ableton Live 12 compatibility-checked

・v2.5 release
・Added mode "C"
・Changed UI
・Changed remove "phase" parameter

・Compatible Check at Live11!

・v2 Release


Live Version Used: 11.3.13
Max Version Used: 8.5.5
Date Added: Nov 19 2019 08:36:17
Date Last Updated: May 27 2024 06:31:40
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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I am having a technical issue with this, no sound is coming out of it when i add it after an audio device.

anxious to use it, your demo sounds amazing.
Thank you for your comment. Sorry for the late reply.
This plugin has been tested on Live9 and Live10.
Also, due to the nature of the plug-in, it will take some time before the sound comes out. (Because it is a buffer effect, it behaves like a delay.)

If the problem persists, a refund is available.
We hope you have read the Gumroad FAQ.

I own multiglitchr, scrumblr, apertur, and swingr which all has been listed as updated on the 25th of march, but all the files on gumroad still has the same names as before and nothing is coming up in my gumroad library?
Thank you for using it! The update is due to a price revision. There are no changes to the device. We will update the device soon.

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