Device Details


Name | Version: The Texturalizer 1.0
Author: intermittent
Device Type: Instrument
Description: A fairly basic granular sampler that I made for my college final major project.

Go to this link to download the presets manual and some included samples:

A few bugs are: if you have the poles setting to high and rapidly sweep the cutoff then you can get quite loud audio glitches, and if you try to load an audio file that is too long for the buffer then it may crash/not load and you will have to cut the file shorter


Live Version Used: 9.7.7
Max Version Used: 7.3.5
Date Added: May 23 2019 09:49:57
Date Last Updated: May 23 2019 09:51:32
Downloads: 959
License: None
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Device File: Texturalizer.amxd


Thanx man, nice share :)

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