Device Details


Name | Version: MicroBruteSeq 1.0
Author: zapmatt
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Basically this is a clone of the sequencer on the Arturia MicroBrute. Toggle the playing/recording button to start recording and hit the record button and play something in. Now toggle back to playing and set your loop length and speed. Playing notes will play back that sequence at each note.


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.5
Date Added: Apr 16 2019 11:12:57
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 455
License: None
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Device File: MicroBruteSeq.amxd


hey using ableton 11
its great idea... i love the arturia seq...
but i cant get midi out of this device...
i cant record and play...
is it version problem ?...or maybe i dont know how to use..
can u make a a tutorial clip ?

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