Device Details


Name | Version: Expression Control for Seaboard RISE 0.9
Author: cherrypulse
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Here is a really simple version of Expression Control.amxd that includes "Slide" (CC#74) as an input option.

Simply drag'n'drop before the instrument you wish to map controls to.

Please make sure the Slide feature on the RISE is set to output CC#74 (the default CC#), otherwise "Slide" will not respond in this device. At the moment, "Slide" will not be available for the Input Modifier.

This is my first device, any advice and feedback would be appreciated in order to improve compatibility and reduce errors.

Note: You will probably need the Max for Live Essentials package installed in order for everything to work. Not completely certain yet.


Live Version Used: 9.5
Max Version Used: 7.0.6
Date Added: Nov 13 2015 00:22:41
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 856
License: None
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Device File: Expression Control for RISE beta.amxd


The mapping section appears to be missing from the device
Thank you for making this. But as TomHall said, the mapping section is missing for me too.

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