Device Details


Name | Version: Loopina 1.0
Author: jabbone
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Loopina is a Clip looping device. It edits directly Warped Audio and MIDI Clips Loop Start and End Points with just one click.
It can be a powerful weapon for Djing with Live, but also for other forms of performing.

demo video here :


Live Version Used: 8.4.2
Max Version Used: 5.
Date Added: Oct 15 2015 13:55:06
Date Last Updated: Mar 03 2021 11:49:43
Downloads: 3
License: Attribution
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Can you re up the link?

i have been looking for this for years
hello, this device is not available at the moment, we are working on a whole new set of devices, including a new loopina version.

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